Monday, June 14, 2010


The definition of Amnesty:
Amnesty (from the Greek ἀμνηστία amnestia, oblivion) is a legislative or executive act by which a state restores those who may have been guilty of an offense against it to the positions of innocent people. It includes more than pardon, inasmuch as it obliterates all legal remembrance of the offense. The word has the same root as amnesia.

Utilizing this definition, it would be wrong to conclude that Comprehensive Immigration Reform is amnesty.

If a person is convicted of a crime and the judge orders a fine to be paid, that’s punishment not amnesty. You may not agree with the punishment, but it’s still not amnesty. If someone is convicted of a crime and the judge simply says, “You’re free to go”. Now that’s amnesty.
I don’t know anyone who is advocating amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Here is an example of what Comprehensive Immigration Reform would look like:

1. $2500.00 fine in order to be eligible to apply for a work permit.

2. Must be fingerprinted to check for criminal background.

3. Upon receiving work permit, must apply for social security card and begin to pay state and federal taxes. The social security card is subject to an approved work permit.

4. The work permit must be renewed after three years. During the renewal process, the alien’s file is checked for criminal convictions and to ensure taxes are being paid.

5. After six years, if there are no violations of status, the alien becomes eligible to file for a permanent resident card. Another $2500.00 fine must be paid.

6. Again, the alien is fingerprinted and tax records are examined.

7. Alien must be a permanent resident, in good standing, for at least five years before becoming eligible for citizenship.

The above amounts to a $5000.00 fine and eleven years probation. Is that amnesty? Of course not.

It is fair to debate the punishment, but not fair to call it amnesty. If it were amnesty, all illegal immigrants would be free to apply for citizenship today. They would be declared innocent and cleared of any illegal activity whatsoever.

As a side note: Could you imagine how much taxes and fines could have been collected from this to help secure our borders?

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