Friday, September 28, 2012

A Beautiful Story

It was a privilege and an honor for the Law Offices of William A. Streppone to represent Abdeen and his Uncle Hasan pro bono. Everyone jumped for joy when their cases were approved. It is a very special story which can be read by clicking the links below.

This story is really about so many people who volunteered their time to help this family; it’s about our U.S. military doctors who saved Abdeen’s life; it’s about the people who donated money anonymously to help with necessities; it’s about the people who invited Abdeen and his uncle into their homes giving them a place to stay; and it’s about the many doctors who donated countless hours to reconstruct Abdeen’s appearance.

God bless this family and God bless this little boy who inspired us all!

Click the links below for full story:

Friday, September 7, 2012

What is Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals?

President Obama recently signed an executive order permitting certain children who arrived in the United States illegally or who are now out of status, to apply for deferred action. Deferred action allows these individuals to work legally in the United States without fear of deportation. Those who are eligible must file applications with USCIS. After being fingerprinted for background checks, they will receive a work permit permitting them to work legally in the United States.

You may request consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals if you:

1.     Were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012;

2.     Came to the United States before reaching your 16th birthday;

3.     Have continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007, up to the present time;

4.     Were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making your request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;

5.     Entered without inspection before June 15, 2012, or your lawful immigration status expired as of June 15, 2012;

6.     Are currently in school, have graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, or are an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States; and

7.     Have not been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor, three or more other misdemeanors, and do not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.

Individuals who meet the eligibility requirements may begin to request consideration for deferred action by filing the appropriate applications on or after August 15, 2012.

Most of these individuals have been in the United States for many years and the United States is the only country they know. This is a move in the right direction. It is a humane approach to a very difficult problem.

However, the problem will not be solved until we pass comprehensive immigration reform. Deferred action is a temporary fix that does not confer legal status on the immigrant. It only permits them to work legally in the United States. Comprehensive immigration reform is a permanent humane approach to the problem.

Nevertheless, President Obama’s executive order is a good start.

Monday, May 21, 2012

William Streppone, Immigration Attorney, Releases 11 Videos Arguing for a Humane Approach to Our Immigration Problem - 'A Humane Approach is the Only Real Solution' 
In the videos, William Streppone’s arguments crush the same old clichés many use to argue against a humane approach.

William Streppone addresses each one of these common arguments:

"They broke the law therefore they must be deported"
"We should not reward people who break the law"
"Pathway to citizenship will be an incentive for more illegal immigrants"
"E-verify would resolve the problem"
"All we have to do is enforce the laws already on the books"


They broke the law therefore they must be deported
What is the rule of law? Immigration attorney, William Streppone, argues in this video that the rule of law is not only the statues on the books, but also takes into account extenuating circumstances and other issues before rendering punishment.

We should not reward people who break the law
In this video, William Streppone, smashes the old myth that giving illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship is somehow rewarding bad behavior. He argues that they're already here and have been here for many years. It would be better to have them contribute to our healthcare system and pay taxes than to spend to money it would cost to chase them down and deport them.

Pathway to citizenship will be an incentive for more illegal immigrants
William Streppone destroys the myth that if a pathway to citizenship is enacted, it will create an incentive for more illegal immigrants to come to the United States. The myth sounds reasonable and is often repeated, but when analized closely it becomes clear it is simply a myth.

E-verify would resolve the problem
In this video William Streppone discusses “e verify”. "It is a good idea in principle but would have a devastating effect on innocent people if implemented now."

All we have to do is enforce the laws already on the books
Unfortunately, the problem is so big enforcing the laws on the books will never work. The laws on the books were not designed to handle millions of illegal immigrants. Therefore, it is paramount we get our immigration problem under control before we spend time enforcing the laws already on the books.

Just deport them all
This video shows it is impractical to deport all the illegal immigrants. Not only is it the wrong thing to do, but the cost would be enormous.Therefore, a humane approach to resolve the immigration problem must be implemented. Simply put, when dealing with human beings the solution must be humane. After all, the word humane comes from the word human.

To see the videos addressing each point above, go to:

William A. Streppone

Thursday, May 3, 2012

William Streppone Reviews, “They Come to America”

William A. Streppone, Immigration Attorney
A Participant in the Movie
"They Come to America"

            There is an old saying I heard many times over regarding media attention. That is, “don’t care about anything else - just make sure they spell your name correctly”. That advice simply doesn’t work for me. I’ve been working as an immigration attorney for more than 16 years. I’ve been fighting for a humane approach in resolving our immigration problem. That message is most important to me. Of course I want my name spelled correctly, but most importantly I want my message to get out. We must deal with our immigration problem humanely!

            The movie, They Come to America, is a movie about the problems and the cost of illegal immigration. You can get more information about the movie at,
            As a participant in the movie, I was disappointed in the final result. There were so many issues left out of the movie that should have been in. For example, in the movie John Roland, a retired Fox anchor, asked three different politicians in Florida if they had solutions to the immigration problem, and if they didn’t why should anyone vote for them. Yet the movie itself does not address any solutions to the immigration problem. If it wasn't an important question why ask it? Hence, in the spirit of John Roland’s question, why should this movie be taken seriously as a documentary if it doesn’t address solutions? As a matter of fact, one politician, Alex Sink, actually mentioned comprehensive immigration reform as a solution and it was never followed up on.
I was interviewed for the movie for more than three hours and none of my points on solutions made it into the movie. At one point the director asked he wished someone could give him a reason why anyone would be against making “e verify” mandatory. Yet I nor anyone else was asked that question in the documentary.
In addition, there were five experts in the movie. Three of the experts well known for their stance against comprehensive immigration reform were never challenged by the director on any subject at all! However, a lobbyist and myself were constantly challenged by the director to the point where the director actually injected his own opinions during the interview. Moreover, during many of the clips, I’m either challenged by the director or rebuffed by a following clip without an opportunity to respond. This never happened to the pro “Deport them all” experts.
            Furthermore, the movie mainly focuses on Latinos and Hispanics. Yet 40 percent of all illegal immigrants do not come through our borders but are visa violators. These are people who come from all around the world and who overstay their visas. If you are Latino or Hispanic watching this movie you would feel singled out. Moreover, those who attacked us on 9/11 were not Latinos but rather members of the al-Qaeda organization who came into the U.S. legally and overstayed their visas or otherwise violated their visas. They did not come through the border! Yet the movie only focuses on the border. 

            The director's response to this is if he had seen other nationalities he would have filmed them. He said he pointed his camera at what he saw and this is what he got. That answer is unacceptable. I suggest he do a little more homework next time and point his camera in a different direction. He would have seen the other 40 percent!

                 One part of the movie actually suggests that people who come to America don't want to stay in America but just want to make money and return to their countries. This is highlighted by an interview with one immigrant! I guess we no longer have to deport illegal immigrants because they are going to leave anyway. Of course I'm joking. This depiction is so unfair anyone, regardless of the political spectrum they fall under, would find this incredibly unfair. I guess millions of immigrants are fighting for legalization in this country because they want to leave. Why would anyone want comprehensive immigration reform if most want to return to their country? It makes no sense.
            There were some small parts of the movie I liked. For example, the part showing the drug cartel compound right at the border and a scene where the entire film crew crosses the border and approaches the compound. That was every exciting. I think we can all agree we have to do something about the drugs entering our country.
            In addition, the most emotional part of the movie was the speech given by a valedictorian in her class who was brought to the U.S. by her parents when she was a child. She has done everything she could to fit in to our society yet is still considered illegal and an outcast. Her emotional speech was very moving and highlights many of the problems young people face in her position.

            However, in the final analysis, the movie is just plain unfair. It is not an honest look at both sides of the issue. Unfortunately, it's an attempt by the director to fool people into thinking it is unbiased. Fortunately, most film festivals and other media outlets have rejected this movie - not just the Hollywood elites, but film festivals from all sides of the political spectrum have rejected this movie.
            I have put a webpage together focusing on important issues that were not in the movie. I give detailed answers to many of the common questions people have on this topic. I also attack many of the clichés used to argue against a humane approach to our immigration problem.
            Please check out for more information.
Thank you,

William A. Streppone
Immigration Attorney