It is amazing how people say “kick all the illegals out. “ I agree we should “kick’em all out”, but I'm talking about a different group of people.
Somehow during these most difficult times we live in, I think it makes people feel better to say, “Kick’em all the hell out!!!” That felt good.
However, the problems our country is experiencing have absolutely nothing to do with immigration. Unfortunately, the problems have everything to do with our own U.S. government. Don’t miss understand, our form of government and Constitution is the best in the world and best ever known to man. However, our current leaders keep trampling over our Constitution and the principles outlined by our founding fathers without even batting an eye.
Allow me to provide a few examples:
We have a court system that does not insist on strict construction and original intent when interpreting the Constitution.
What this means is a few judges can circumvent the electorate and the will of the people by making up law instead of following the Constitution. Can you imagine circumventing the Constitution of the United States? It is happening every day. As a result, we have laws today restricting Americans from placing a cross on government property honoring their fallen heroes. Some wacco judges say it is a violation of the separation of church and state clause found in the Constitution. Either they can’t read or these judges are not very smart. Remember, just because someone has a formal education and wears a black robe doesn’t make them smart.
The First Amendment to the Constitution says:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. The keywords here are: “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.
Guess they forgot to read that part. The first part simply means that the government will not affirmatively make a law establishing a religion. However, the people should never be prohibited from worshiping God, whether on government property or not – as long as it is not organized by the government.
2. The U.S. Government is growing at an alarming rate.
It has never been the intent of our founders that the U.S. government control every aspect of our lives. Just read the federalist papers. As a matter of fact, the power was to be very limited. Defend the country; have a national currency; and to promote an environment for “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. We call it the “Declaration of Independence”, yet many of our current leaders interpret this to mean we want to be controlled. Maybe it should have been called the “Declaration of Bondage” in their eyes.
Just look at the current state of the Social Security System; Medicare & Medicaid and our national debt. And yet they now want to run our healthcare system. These people couldn’t run a lemonade stand.
Unfortunately, many of our leaders have been raised in a laboratory, never really having any experience in real life situations – many having never worked at a real job, and most having no clue how to run a business. Yet these are our leaders today. Of course formal education is important, but unless it is combined with real world experience you have nothing.
Therefore, the power of the U.S. government should be severely limited. Leave the people alone. They are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.
3. Government is intruding on the free market system.
Every day, private industries are growing smaller and smaller as the government grows larger and larger. As this continues, there will be no incentives for anyone to be the best they can be. Instead it will promote mediocrity. Why? Because no matter how well you do at your job, it will be the government setting the wages instead of the free market system.
Oh…Almost forgot. Weren’t we talking about immigration? That’s right, I almost forgot. It’s those damn illegal immigrants causing all the problems. That’s right… Let me focus on people who have no power rather than those who are in power and robbing me of my freedom.
Here’s what I say. Any government official who does not know how to read and respect the United States Constitution should be kicked out of office. That’s right you heard me…
KICK’EM ALL THE HELL OUT!!! Now then… I feel better now.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Protecting the unborn; family values; the definition of marriage, are all very important topics for many of my conservative friends.
So I ask the following questions:
What is more important, protecting the definition of marriage, or protecting an actual marriage?
What is more important, protecting the definition of family values, or protecting families?
It is absolutely amazing to me that many people who support traditional conservative values, would not think twice about separating a husband from his wife, a wife from her husband; or a child from his or her parents because one or more are here illegally. Why is deportation the only punishment they see? Why do they disregard the very values they claim to be important?
Isn’t marriage important?
Isn’t it important that children grow up with their parents?
Oh that’s right, I forgot. They broke the law. Therefore, we must deport. There is no other answer except deportation. All our values we believe in go out the window. We must deport!!! We must rip the children from their parents and we must forcibly separate spouses. It is the only way. But let’s not forget to protect the definition of marriage – that’s most important.
They will march to protect the unborn. They say life begins at conception, and I agree. They will do everything in their power to protect the unborn, even if it is an unwanted pregnancy.
But when does a family begin? When is it ok to abort a family? I submit to you that a family begins at reception - "when a husband and wife receive each other as one".
Do we really believe in the sanctity of marriage? Then why are we so quick to abort that family, even if that family is considered an unwanted pregnancy in our country?
America has a “birth control” problem at the borders. Once there is “reception” (conception) I believe it is wrong to “abort” or deport that family. I believe the sanctity of marriage is extremely important; family is extremely important - not only in words, but in deeds. Therefore, it must be protected, even if it involves an illegal immigrant.
How can we ever begin to protect the unborn (that which we cannot see), if we cannot protect the family, (which we can see)? If we want fewer illegal immigrants in this country, we must use better controls to protect our borders.
So I ask the following questions:
What is more important, protecting the definition of marriage, or protecting an actual marriage?
What is more important, protecting the definition of family values, or protecting families?
It is absolutely amazing to me that many people who support traditional conservative values, would not think twice about separating a husband from his wife, a wife from her husband; or a child from his or her parents because one or more are here illegally. Why is deportation the only punishment they see? Why do they disregard the very values they claim to be important?
Isn’t marriage important?
Isn’t it important that children grow up with their parents?
Oh that’s right, I forgot. They broke the law. Therefore, we must deport. There is no other answer except deportation. All our values we believe in go out the window. We must deport!!! We must rip the children from their parents and we must forcibly separate spouses. It is the only way. But let’s not forget to protect the definition of marriage – that’s most important.
They will march to protect the unborn. They say life begins at conception, and I agree. They will do everything in their power to protect the unborn, even if it is an unwanted pregnancy.
But when does a family begin? When is it ok to abort a family? I submit to you that a family begins at reception - "when a husband and wife receive each other as one".
Do we really believe in the sanctity of marriage? Then why are we so quick to abort that family, even if that family is considered an unwanted pregnancy in our country?
America has a “birth control” problem at the borders. Once there is “reception” (conception) I believe it is wrong to “abort” or deport that family. I believe the sanctity of marriage is extremely important; family is extremely important - not only in words, but in deeds. Therefore, it must be protected, even if it involves an illegal immigrant.
How can we ever begin to protect the unborn (that which we cannot see), if we cannot protect the family, (which we can see)? If we want fewer illegal immigrants in this country, we must use better controls to protect our borders.
Monday, June 14, 2010
The definition of Amnesty:
Amnesty (from the Greek ἀμνηστία amnestia, oblivion) is a legislative or executive act by which a state restores those who may have been guilty of an offense against it to the positions of innocent people. It includes more than pardon, inasmuch as it obliterates all legal remembrance of the offense. The word has the same root as amnesia.
Utilizing this definition, it would be wrong to conclude that Comprehensive Immigration Reform is amnesty.
If a person is convicted of a crime and the judge orders a fine to be paid, that’s punishment not amnesty. You may not agree with the punishment, but it’s still not amnesty. If someone is convicted of a crime and the judge simply says, “You’re free to go”. Now that’s amnesty.
I don’t know anyone who is advocating amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Here is an example of what Comprehensive Immigration Reform would look like:
1. $2500.00 fine in order to be eligible to apply for a work permit.
2. Must be fingerprinted to check for criminal background.
3. Upon receiving work permit, must apply for social security card and begin to pay state and federal taxes. The social security card is subject to an approved work permit.
4. The work permit must be renewed after three years. During the renewal process, the alien’s file is checked for criminal convictions and to ensure taxes are being paid.
5. After six years, if there are no violations of status, the alien becomes eligible to file for a permanent resident card. Another $2500.00 fine must be paid.
6. Again, the alien is fingerprinted and tax records are examined.
7. Alien must be a permanent resident, in good standing, for at least five years before becoming eligible for citizenship.
The above amounts to a $5000.00 fine and eleven years probation. Is that amnesty? Of course not.
It is fair to debate the punishment, but not fair to call it amnesty. If it were amnesty, all illegal immigrants would be free to apply for citizenship today. They would be declared innocent and cleared of any illegal activity whatsoever.
As a side note: Could you imagine how much taxes and fines could have been collected from this to help secure our borders?
Amnesty (from the Greek ἀμνηστία amnestia, oblivion) is a legislative or executive act by which a state restores those who may have been guilty of an offense against it to the positions of innocent people. It includes more than pardon, inasmuch as it obliterates all legal remembrance of the offense. The word has the same root as amnesia.
Utilizing this definition, it would be wrong to conclude that Comprehensive Immigration Reform is amnesty.
If a person is convicted of a crime and the judge orders a fine to be paid, that’s punishment not amnesty. You may not agree with the punishment, but it’s still not amnesty. If someone is convicted of a crime and the judge simply says, “You’re free to go”. Now that’s amnesty.
I don’t know anyone who is advocating amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Here is an example of what Comprehensive Immigration Reform would look like:
1. $2500.00 fine in order to be eligible to apply for a work permit.
2. Must be fingerprinted to check for criminal background.
3. Upon receiving work permit, must apply for social security card and begin to pay state and federal taxes. The social security card is subject to an approved work permit.
4. The work permit must be renewed after three years. During the renewal process, the alien’s file is checked for criminal convictions and to ensure taxes are being paid.
5. After six years, if there are no violations of status, the alien becomes eligible to file for a permanent resident card. Another $2500.00 fine must be paid.
6. Again, the alien is fingerprinted and tax records are examined.
7. Alien must be a permanent resident, in good standing, for at least five years before becoming eligible for citizenship.
The above amounts to a $5000.00 fine and eleven years probation. Is that amnesty? Of course not.
It is fair to debate the punishment, but not fair to call it amnesty. If it were amnesty, all illegal immigrants would be free to apply for citizenship today. They would be declared innocent and cleared of any illegal activity whatsoever.
As a side note: Could you imagine how much taxes and fines could have been collected from this to help secure our borders?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Immigration Problem: Who’s really to blame?
We call the United States the shining city on the hill; and we all know light attracts. We also know that desperate people do desperate things. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that people try to get here one way or another. I'm pretty sure if I were born in Mexico, I’d try and find a way to get in the U.S. – legally or illegally.
Now I’m not condoning the actions of people who come in the U.S. illegally. But I understand it. Let's face it, if I owned a convenience store and left the front and back doors wide open while I slept, I shouldn’t be surprised if the shelves are empty in the morning; especially if my store is located in a poor neighborhood with lots of hungry people; and especially if I restock the shelves every morning only to do the same thing at night. After awhile the word gets out, “There’s this crazy owner who stocks his shelves in the morning and doesn’t lockup at night”.
When it comes to the immigration debate, our leaders and politicians are trying to divert attention from themselves. They have cleverly couched the debate to be about illegal aliens. They have us screaming at each other while they hide in their ivory towers. The left is screaming racism and the right is screaming invaders. They want us to focus our anger on each other rather than thier failure to properly address the immigration problem.
I want you to picture something: Right now there is an illegal immigrant crossing the Arizona dessert with no shoes on his feet and maybe not enough water to make it -because he’s desperate. At the same time, there’s a fat politician, in his fancy suit, sitting on his ass not willing to resolve the immigration problem. While he sits in his well air-conditioned office, he wants us to direct our anger toward the alien. He wants us to believe it’s this alien who’s wasting all our tax dollars. He wants us to believe it’s the alien who's seeking all those government entitlements.
I got news for you - immigrants don’t want healthcare; immigrants don’t care about social security; immigrants don’t want Medicaid and Medicare; immigrants don’t want unemployment benefits; immigrants JUST WANT TO WORK. Sounds like old America. I got bad news for you. It is the U.S. citizen that seems to want these entitlements. It is the massive spending on these entitlements that are running our country into the ground, not the illegal alien. Many Americans have become fat and overweight expecting their government to do everything for them.
Come on America, right & left - let’s get back in the gym; let’s focus our anger on who’s really to blame. Our government is to blame for failing to secure the borders; our government is to blame for wasting our money.
The word it out, “There’s this crazy owner who’s left the doors wide open”. His name is “America”.
Now I’m not condoning the actions of people who come in the U.S. illegally. But I understand it. Let's face it, if I owned a convenience store and left the front and back doors wide open while I slept, I shouldn’t be surprised if the shelves are empty in the morning; especially if my store is located in a poor neighborhood with lots of hungry people; and especially if I restock the shelves every morning only to do the same thing at night. After awhile the word gets out, “There’s this crazy owner who stocks his shelves in the morning and doesn’t lockup at night”.
When it comes to the immigration debate, our leaders and politicians are trying to divert attention from themselves. They have cleverly couched the debate to be about illegal aliens. They have us screaming at each other while they hide in their ivory towers. The left is screaming racism and the right is screaming invaders. They want us to focus our anger on each other rather than thier failure to properly address the immigration problem.
I want you to picture something: Right now there is an illegal immigrant crossing the Arizona dessert with no shoes on his feet and maybe not enough water to make it -because he’s desperate. At the same time, there’s a fat politician, in his fancy suit, sitting on his ass not willing to resolve the immigration problem. While he sits in his well air-conditioned office, he wants us to direct our anger toward the alien. He wants us to believe it’s this alien who’s wasting all our tax dollars. He wants us to believe it’s the alien who's seeking all those government entitlements.
I got news for you - immigrants don’t want healthcare; immigrants don’t care about social security; immigrants don’t want Medicaid and Medicare; immigrants don’t want unemployment benefits; immigrants JUST WANT TO WORK. Sounds like old America. I got bad news for you. It is the U.S. citizen that seems to want these entitlements. It is the massive spending on these entitlements that are running our country into the ground, not the illegal alien. Many Americans have become fat and overweight expecting their government to do everything for them.
Come on America, right & left - let’s get back in the gym; let’s focus our anger on who’s really to blame. Our government is to blame for failing to secure the borders; our government is to blame for wasting our money.
The word it out, “There’s this crazy owner who’s left the doors wide open”. His name is “America”.
Immigration Problem: Who's Really to Blame?
We call the United States the shining city on the hill; and we all know light attracts. We also know that desperate people do desperate things. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that people try to get here one way or another. I mean if I were born in Mexico, I’d try and find a way to get in the U.S. – legally or illegally.
Now I’m not condoning the actions of people who come in the U.S. illegally. But I understand it. Let's face it, if I owned a convenience store and left the front and back doors wide open while I slept, I shouldn’t be surprised if the shelves are empty in the morning; especially if my store is located in a poor neighborhood with lots of hungry people; and especially if I restock the shelves every morning only to do the same thing at night. After awhile the word gets out, “There’s this crazy owner who stocks his shelves in the morning and doesn’t lockup at night”.
When it comes to the immigration debate, our leaders and politicians are simply diverting attention from themselves. They have cleverly couched the debate to be about illegal aliens. They have us screaming at each other while they hide in their ivory towers. The left is screaming racism and the right is screaming invaders. They want us to focus our anger on each other rather than their failure to lead.
I want you to picture something: Right now there is an illegal immigrant crossing the Arizona dessert with no shoes on his feet and maybe not enough water to make it - because he’s desperate. At the same time, there’s a fat politician, in his fancy suit, sitting on his ass not willing to do anything about the immigration problem. While he sits in his well air-conditioned office, he wants us to direct our anger toward the alien. He wants us to believe it’s this alien who’s wasting all our tax dollars. He wants us to believe it’s the alien who wants all those government entitlements. I got news for you - immigrants don’t want health care; immigrants don’t care about social security; immigrants don’t want Medicaid and Medicare; immigrants don’t want unemployment benefits; immigrants JUST WANT TO WORK. Sounds like old America. I got bad news for you. It is the U.S. citizen that seems to want these entitlements. It is the massive spending on these entitlements that are running our country into the ground not the illegal alien.
Many Americans have become fat and overweight expecting their government to do everything for them. Come on America, right & left, let’s get back in the gym. Let’s focus our anger on who’s really to blame. Our government is to blame for failing to secure the borders; our government is to blame for wasting our money. The word it out, “There’s this crazy owner who’s left the doors wide open”. His name is “America”.
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